Mary Goes Round
In this 2017 drama, the story follows a substance abuse counselor who finds herself grappling with her own addiction issues. As she returns to her hometown, she is forced to confront her estranged family and the complexities of her personal life. The film stars Aya Cash, who delivers a compelling performance, and is directed by Molly McGlynn. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it offers a poignant exploration of redemption and family dynamics. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Molly McGlynn
Actors: Aaron Poole, Aya Cash, Emma Hunter, Jess Salgueiro, John Ralston, Jonathan Watton, Kristian Bruun, Melanie Nicholls-King, Sara Waisglass, Yanna McIntosh
Country: Canada
Company: Hawkeye Pictures, Wildling Pictures