Set in early 20th-century England, this film follows the life of a young man navigating the complexities of love and societal expectations. As he grapples with his identity and desires, he forms deep connections that challenge the norms of his time. The movie stars James Wilby and Hugh Grant, delivering compelling performances that bring depth to their characters. Directed by James Ivory, the film is noted for its sensitive portrayal of its themes and period-accurate depiction. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: James Ivory
Actors: Barry Foster, Ben Kingsley, Billie Whitelaw, Catherine Rabett, Denholm Elliott, Harriet Thorpe, Helena Bonham Carter, Helena Michell, Hugh Grant, James Wilby, Jean-Marc Barr, Judy Parfitt, Julian Wadham, Kitty Aldridge, Maria Britneva, Mark Payton, Mark Tandy, Matthew Sim, Michael Jenn, Miles Richardson, Orlando Wells, Patrick Godfrey, Peter Eyre, Phoebe Nicholls, Rupert Graves, Serena Gordon, Simon Callow
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Cinecom Pictures, Film Four International, Merchant Ivory Productions
Worldwide Gross: $2,643,324