Set in the vibrant 1980s, this film follows the journey of a young college student, Angie, who turns to manufacturing and selling the party drug MDMA to pay her tuition fees. The narrative explores themes of ambition, identity, and the consequences of living a double life. Annie Q. stars as Angie, delivering a compelling performance that captures the complexities of her character. The film is directed by Angie Wang, who draws from her own life experiences to craft this semi-autobiographical story. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Angie Wang
Actors: Aalyrah Caldwell, Annie Q., Annie Q. Riegel, Elisa Donovan, Francesca Eastwood, Noah Segan, Pierson Fode, Ron Yuan, Sarah Guilbault, Scott Keiji Takeda, Yetide Badaki
Country: United States of America