Mean Dreams
In this gripping thriller, two teenagers, played by Josh Wiggins and Sophie Nélisse, find themselves on the run after a dangerous encounter with a corrupt lawman, portrayed by Bill Paxton. As they navigate the treacherous landscape, they must rely on each other to survive and escape the clutches of those who wish them harm. Directed by Nathan Morlando, the film explores themes of love, trust, and the quest for freedom. While it didn’t receive major awards, the performances and tense narrative have been noted for their impact. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nathan Morlando
Actors: Bill Paxton, Colm Feore, George Buza, Joe Cobden, Josh Wiggins, Mike McPhaden, Ryan Blakely, Sophie Nélisse, Tara Nicodemo, Vickie Papavs
Country: Canada
Company: Euclid 431 Pictures, Tip-Top Productions, Woods Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $36,146