Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Set against the backdrop of a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp during World War II, this film explores the complex relationships between captors and captives, focusing on the cultural and personal conflicts that arise. The story is driven by the interactions between a British officer, played by David Bowie, and a Japanese camp commander, portrayed by Ryuichi Sakamoto, who also composed the film’s haunting score. Directed by Nagisa Ōshima, the film delves into themes of honor, shame, and the human spirit. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Director: Nagisa Ōshima
Actors: Alistair Browning, Chris Broun, David Bowie, Jack Thompson, James Malcolm, Johnny Ohkura, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Takeshi Kitano, Tom Conti, Yûya Uchida
Country: Australia, Japan, New Zealand, United Kingdom
Company: Antares-Nova, National Film Trustee Company, Recorded Picture Company (RPC)
Worldwide Gross: $2,344,954