In this chilling Austrian drama, the film delves into the unsettling life of a seemingly ordinary insurance agent who harbors a dark secret. The narrative unfolds with a meticulous and restrained approach, offering a glimpse into the mundane yet disturbing existence of the protagonist. Markus Schleinzer, in his directorial debut, crafts a haunting atmosphere that leaves a lasting impact on the viewer. The film was screened in competition at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival, highlighting its critical acclaim. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Markus Schleinzer
Actors: Christine Kain, David Oberkogler, David Rauchenberger, Markus Hochholdinger, Michael Fuith, Mika Sakurai, Thomas Pfalzmann, Ursula Strauss, Victor Tremmel, Xaver Winkler
Country: Austria
Company: Cine Tirol, Filmfonds Wien, Filmstandort Austria (FISA)
Worldwide Gross: $121,034