Minuscule 2: Mandibles From Far Away
In this charming animated adventure, a young ladybug finds itself accidentally trapped in a box being shipped to the Caribbean. Its father, along with a team of insect friends, embarks on a daring rescue mission across the ocean. The film is a delightful blend of humor and heart, showcasing the resilience and teamwork of its tiny protagonists. Directed by Hélène Giraud, it continues the unique storytelling style of its predecessor, using minimal dialogue and expressive animation. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Hélène Giraud, Thomas Szabo
Actors: Bô Gaultier de Kermoal, Bruno Salomone, Franck Benezech, Huifang Liu, Jean Nanga, Jean-Paul Guyon, Luc Morvan, Sarah Cohen-Hadria, Stéphane Coulon, Thierry Frémont
Country: China, France, Guadeloupe, United States of America
Company: France 3 Cinéma, Futurikon, IfilmEntertainment
Worldwide Gross: $9,812,387