Mississippi Damned
Set in rural Mississippi, this poignant drama delves into the lives of three African American siblings as they navigate the challenges of poverty, addiction, and family dysfunction. The film, directed by Tina Mabry, offers a raw and unflinching look at the cycle of hardship and the struggle for a better future. Featuring standout performances from a talented cast, the narrative is both heart-wrenching and hopeful. Notably, the film has garnered critical acclaim for its authentic storytelling and powerful themes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama
Director: Tina Mabry
Actors: Adam Clark, Cynthia Addai-Robinson, D.B. Woodside, Malcolm David Kelley, Malcolm Goodwin, Michael Hyatt, Simbi Khali, Tessa Thompson
Country: United States of America
Company: Morgan's Mark