Mistress America
In this 2015 comedy-drama, directed by Noah Baumbach, the story follows a lonely college freshman in New York City who is rescued from her solitude by her soon-to-be stepsister, a free-spirited and adventurous woman. The film stars Greta Gerwig, who co-wrote the screenplay with Baumbach, and Lola Kirke, delivering engaging performances that explore themes of identity and ambition. The narrative unfolds with a blend of humor and poignancy, capturing the complexities of modern relationships. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Noah Baumbach
Actors: Cindy Cheung, Dean Wareham, Greta Gerwig, Heather Lind, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Kathryn Erbe, Lola Kirke, Matthew Shear, Michael Chernus, Shana Dowdeswell
Country: Brazil, United States of America
Company: Fox Searchlight Pictures, RT Features, Searchlight Pictures, TSG Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $3,341,063