Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow
In this gripping continuation of the epic saga, the crew of the White Base faces new challenges as they navigate the complexities of war and personal sacrifice. The film delves deeper into the emotional struggles of its characters, particularly Amuro Ray, as they confront the harsh realities of their conflict with the Zeon forces. Directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, this installment is notable for its intense battle sequences and character development. Fans of the series can watch it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Animation, Drama
Director: Osamu Sekita, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, Yoshiyuki Tomino
Actors: Fuyumi Shiraishi, Hirotaka Suzuoki, Kaneto Shiozawa, Kiyonobu Suzuki, Masashi Hirose, Shozo Iizuka, Shuichi Ikeda, Tōru Furuya, Yasuo Matsumura, Yumi Nakatani
Country: Japan
Company: Kodansha, Nagoya Broadcasting Network (Nagoya TV), Sotsu Agency