In this intense and provocative film by Kim Ki-duk, a family is torn apart by betrayal and violence, leading to a series of shocking and surreal events. The narrative unfolds with minimal dialogue, relying heavily on the actors’ physical performances to convey the emotional turmoil and complex relationships. Known for its controversial themes and bold storytelling, the film delves into the darker aspects of human nature and familial bonds. While it did not receive major awards, it remains a notable entry in Kim Ki-duk’s filmography for its daring approach. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Kim Ki-duk
Actors: Cho Jae-hyun, Jeong Soo-kyo, Kim Jae-hong, Kim Jae-rok, Kim Min-seok, Lee Na-ra, Ri Woo-jin, Seo Young-Joo
Country: South Korea
Company: Kim Ki-Duk Film
Worldwide Gross: $11,563