In this compelling drama, a widowed single mother struggles to raise her unpredictable and sometimes violent teenage son, who has been expelled from a specialized institution. The film explores the intense and often volatile relationship between the two, as well as the impact of a mysterious new neighbor who enters their lives. Directed by Xavier Dolan, the movie is notable for its unique visual style, including its use of a 1:1 aspect ratio. It received the Jury Prize at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, highlighting its critical acclaim. The film stars Anne Dorval, Antoine Olivier Pilon, and Suzanne Clément, and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Xavier Dolan
Actors: Alexandre Goyette, Anne Dorval, Antoine-Olivier Pilon, Isabelle Nélisse, Michèle Lituac, Natalie Hamel-Roy, Patrick Huard, Suzanne Clément, Ted Pluviose, Viviane Pacal
Country: Canada
Company: Les Films Seville, Metafilms, Sons of Manual
Worldwide Gross: $13,156,856