Monster High: Great Scarrier Reef
In this animated adventure, the ghouls of Monster High find themselves transported to an underwater world where they must navigate the challenges of the Great Scarrier Reef. As they transform into aquatic creatures, they encounter new friends and face off against a formidable foe. The film features vibrant animation and a message of self-acceptance and friendship. Directed by Jun Falkenstein, it showcases the voice talents of popular characters from the Monster High franchise. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 5
Genre: Animation, Family, Fantasy
Director: Jun Falkenstein, William Lau
Actors: America Young, Cherami Leigh, Debi Derryberry, Evan Smith, Kate Higgins, Larissa Gallagher, Lyndsy Kail, Paula Rhodes, Rachel Staman, Salli Saffioti
Country: United States of America
Company: Mattel Playground Productions