In this romantic comedy directed by Robert Luketic, a young woman named Charlie finds her dream man in Kevin, only to discover that his overbearing mother, Viola, is determined to sabotage their relationship. The film stars Jennifer Lopez as Charlie and Jane Fonda as the formidable Viola, marking Fonda’s return to the big screen after a 15-year hiatus. The comedic tension between the two leads provides a humorous exploration of family dynamics and the challenges of blending families. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Robert Luketic
Actors: Adam Scott, Allison Tolman, Amber Mead, Annie Parisse, Christina Masterson, Elaine Stritch, Gian Franco Tordi, Harriet Sansom Harris, Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lopez, Jenny Wade, Mark Moses, Michael Vartan, Monet Mazur, Randee Heller, Stephanie Turner, Stephen Dunham, Tomiko Fraser, Wanda Sykes, Will Arnett
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: BenderSpink, New Line Cinema, Spring Creek Productions
Worldwide Gross: $155,457,327