Moonrise Kingdom
Set on a picturesque New England island in the 1960s, this film follows the whimsical and heartfelt journey of two young lovers who decide to run away together, prompting a local search party to set out and find them. The ensemble cast includes notable stars such as Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, and Frances McDormand, who bring depth and charm to their roles. Directed by Wes Anderson, the film is celebrated for its distinctive visual style and quirky storytelling. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
Director: Wes Anderson
Actors: Bill Murray, Bob Balaban, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, Harvey Keitel, Jared Gilman, Jason Schwartzman, Kara Hayward, Lucas Hedges, Tilda Swinton
Country: United States of America
Company: American Empirical Pictures, Indian Paintbrush, Moonrise
Worldwide Gross: $68,265,576