Most Likely To Die
In this suspenseful slasher film directed by Anthony DiBlasi, a group of former high school friends reunites for a ten-year reunion weekend at a remote house. As the night unfolds, they find themselves being hunted by a mysterious killer who seems to be targeting them based on their high school yearbook superlatives. The film stars Heather Morris and Perez Hilton, adding a touch of celebrity intrigue to the chilling narrative. With its blend of nostalgia and horror, the movie explores themes of past regrets and the consequences of youthful actions. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Anthony DiBlasi
Actors: Chad Addison, Heather Morris, Jake Busey, John Doe, Marci Miller, Perez Hilton, Ryan Doom, Skyler Vallo, Tatum Miranda, Tess Christiansen
Country: United States of America
Company: Barnholtz Entertainment, Snowfall Films