In this coming-of-age film directed by Amy Poehler, a shy 16-year-old girl named Vivian is inspired by her mother’s rebellious past to anonymously publish a zine that challenges the sexist and toxic status quo at her high school. The movie stars Hadley Robinson as Vivian and features Amy Poehler herself in a supporting role. The film explores themes of feminism, empowerment, and the power of youth activism. While it hasn’t won any major awards, it has been noted for its timely and relevant message. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Amy Poehler
Actors: Alycia Pascual-Peña, Amy Poehler, Anjelika Washington, Hadley Robinson, Josie Totah, Lauren Tsai, Nico Hiraga, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Sabrina Haskett, Sydney Park
Country: United States of America
Company: Netflix, Paper Kite Productions