Mr. Jones
Scott, portrayed by Jon Foster, is a filmmaker struggling to find creative inspiration. In search of a breakthrough, he and his girlfriend Penny, played by Sarah Jones, relocate to an isolated house. There, they encounter their enigmatic neighbor, Mr. Jones, renowned for his eerie sculptures yet shrouded in mystery. Believing they’ve stumbled upon an ideal subject for their film, Scott and Penny secretly explore his workshop, only to discover that their inquisitiveness might lead to terrifying outcomes. The question remains: who is Mr. Jones?
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Karl Mueller
Actors: David Clennon, Diane Neal, Ethan Sawyer, Faran Tahir, Jessica Dowdeswell, Jon Foster, Jordan Byrne, Mark Steger, Rachel O'Meara, Sarah Jones
Country: United States of America
Company: Campfire, Preferred Content, Preferred Film & TV
Worldwide Gross: $90,388