Mrs. Miracle
In this heartwarming holiday film directed by Michael M. Scott, a widowed father struggles to balance his career and raising his twin sons. The arrival of a mysterious and magical nanny, played by the charming Doris Roberts, brings unexpected joy and transformation to the family. With a blend of humor and touching moments, the story explores themes of love, healing, and the power of a little Christmas magic. The film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Michael M. Scott
Actors: Candus Churchill, Chelah Horsdal, Doris Roberts, Erin Karpluk, James Van Der Beek, Johannah Newmarch, Michael Strusievici, Rikki Gagne, Valin Shinyei, Wanda Cannon
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Dan Wigutow Productions, Hallmark Channel, KZ Productions