Mulholland Drive
In this enigmatic neo-noir film, a woman suffering from amnesia is discovered in a car accident on a winding Los Angeles road. As she seeks to uncover her identity, she crosses paths with an aspiring actress, leading them both into a labyrinth of mystery and intrigue. The film, directed by the renowned David Lynch, is celebrated for its surreal narrative and dreamlike atmosphere. Naomi Watts delivers a standout performance, contributing to the film’s critical acclaim, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Director. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 15
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: David Lynch
Actors: Angelo Badalamenti, Ann Miller, Brent Briscoe, Dan Hedaya, Justin Theroux, Laura Harring, Mark Pellegrino, Monty Montgomery, Naomi Watts, Patrick Fischler, Robert Forster
Country: France, United States of America
Company: Asymmetrical Productions, Babbo Inc., Les Films Alain Sarde
Worldwide Gross: $20,289,986