My Pet Dinosaur
In a small town, a young boy named Jake inadvertently creates a dinosaur during a science experiment gone awry. As the creature grows, it attracts the attention of the military, leading to a series of adventures and challenges for Jake and his friends. The film, directed by Matt Drummond, combines elements of family-friendly adventure and science fiction. While it may not have garnered any major awards, it offers a charming exploration of friendship and discovery. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Director: Matt Drummond
Actors: Annabel Wolf, Beth Champion, Christopher Gabardi, Darius Williams-Watt, David Roberts, Joanne Samuel, Jordan Dulieu, Sam Winspear-Schillings, Tiriel Mora, Tom Rooney
Country: Australia
Company: Empress Road Productions, Little Monster
Worldwide Gross: $1,483,677