Natsu no hi, kimi no koe
Tetsuo Togami, portrayed by Shono Hayama, is a high school sophomore who ends up in the hospital following a fight. There, he encounters Maiko Takashiro, played by Chika Arakawa, who is battling an incurable illness and is both hearing-impaired and unable to speak. Initially, Tetsuo feels awkward around her, but they start communicating through text messages, and he gradually develops feelings for her. After leaving the hospital, Tetsuo continues to visit Maiko daily. They make plans to go out on her birthday, but her health takes a turn for the worse.
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Director: Tomoyuki Kamimura
Actors: Chika Arakawa, Jukiya Kageyama, Kengo Oguchi, Kento Igarashi, Maiko Kikuchi, Reiya Masaki, Seika Furuhata, Shono Hayama, Wakana Matsumoto, Yuki Konoe
Country: Japan
Company: Ranku