Neither Heaven Nor Earth
Set against the backdrop of the rugged Afghan landscape, this film follows Captain Antares Bonassieu and his French military unit as they experience a series of mysterious disappearances among their ranks. As the soldiers grapple with the inexplicable events, the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur, challenging their understanding of war and existence. Directed by Clément Cogitore, the film delves into themes of faith, duty, and the unknown. It features a compelling performance by Jérémie Renier in the lead role. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, War
Director: Clément Cogitore
Actors: Christophe Tek, Clément Bresson, Edouard Court, Finnegan Oldfield, Jérémie Renier, Kevin Azais, Marc Robert, Sâm Mirhosseini, Steve Tientcheu, Swann Arlaud
Company: Kazak Productions, Orange Cinéma Séries, Tarantula
Worldwide Gross: $118,663