“Loonatics Unleashed” is an American animated series created by Warner Bros. Animation, which aired on Kids’ WB in the U.S. for two seasons between 2005 and 2007. It was also…
Xiaolin Showdown is an American animated series created by Christy Hui that premiered on Kids WB. The show is set in a universe where martial arts and Eastern mysticism are…
Valerie Tyler, a 28-year-old with a passion for organization, deeply cares for her spirited 16-year-old sister, Holly. Despite Holly’s lively, unpredictable, and chaotic nature, Valerie adores her. When Holly comes…
Following the passing of his wife, esteemed neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Brown relocates from Manhattan to the quaint town of Everwood, Colorado, with his family. In this new setting, he takes…
X-Men: Evolution is a U.S. animated TV show centered around the superhero group X-Men from Marvel Comics. In this version, most of the characters are depicted as teenagers instead of…
“Jackie Chan Adventures” is an American animated TV show that follows the escapades of a fictionalized version of the action movie star Jackie Chan. The series often includes nods to…
Max Steel is a CGI-animated science fiction action series that originally broadcast from February 25, 2000, to January 15, 2002. It was inspired by the Mattel action figure of the…
Angel, a vampire burdened with a soul, relocates to Los Angeles where he helps individuals facing supernatural challenges as he seeks his own redemption. This series is a spin-off from…
Brooke McQueen, a well-liked cheerleader at Jacqueline Kennedy High School, and Sam McPherson, who edits the school newspaper, couldn’t be more different. Their lives take an unexpected turn when their…
Two decades after Bruce Wayne retired from his role as Batman, a troubled teenager named Terry McGinnis uncovers his hidden identity. When McGinnis’ father is killed by the current head…
Three sisters, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe, come together and awaken their abilities to transform into the Charmed Ones, the most formidable benevolent witches ever known. Their foretold mission is to…
Felicity Porter, a perceptive and thoughtful young woman from the San Francisco Bay Area, chooses to forgo her acceptance into Stanford University’s pre-med program to pursue her long-time infatuation by…
Dawson’s Creek is a U.S. teen drama series that follows the imagined experiences of a tightly connected group of adolescents as they navigate their high school and college years.
Jamie King, hailing from Texas, dreams of making it big as an actor in Hollywood. To sustain himself while pursuing his ambitions in the entertainment world, he takes up a…
“Freakazoid!” is an American animated TV show crafted by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini for The WB’s Kids’ WB segment. The series follows the escapades of its main character, Freakazoid,…