Never Back Down 2
In this action-packed sequel, four fighters from different backgrounds come together under the tutelage of a seasoned martial artist, played by Michael Jai White, who also makes his directorial debut. As they train for an underground mixed martial arts tournament, they must overcome personal challenges and rivalries to prove their worth in the ring. The film features dynamic fight choreography and explores themes of perseverance and redemption. Notably, it includes performances by Scottie Epstein and Dean Geyer. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael Jai White
Actors: Alex Meraz, Beau Brasso, Dean Geyer, Evan Peters, Gralen Bryant Banks, Michael Jai White, Rus Blackwell, Scottie Epstein, Stacey Asaro, Todd Duffee
Country: United States of America
Company: Baumgarten Management and Productions (BMP), Mandalay Pictures, Stage 6 Films