New World
In this gripping South Korean crime thriller, the intricate power dynamics within a sprawling crime syndicate are explored through the eyes of an undercover cop who finds himself torn between his duty and loyalty. The film stars Lee Jung-jae, Choi Min-sik, and Hwang Jung-min, whose performances bring depth to the complex characters navigating a world of deception and ambition. Directed by Park Hoon-jung, the movie is noted for its intense narrative and masterful storytelling. While it hasn’t received major awards, it has been praised for its compelling plot and strong performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Park Hoon-jung
Actors: Choi Il-hwa, Choi Min-sik, Hwang Jung-min, Ju Jin-mo, Kim Yoon-sung, Lee Jung-jae, Na Kwang-Hoon, Park Seo-Yeon, Park Sung-woong, Song Ji-hyo
Country: South Korea
Company: Sanai Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $31,673,928