Set in 1899 New York City, this musical drama follows a group of young newspaper sellers who band together to protest against unfair price hikes imposed by powerful publishers. The film stars a young Christian Bale as the charismatic leader of the newsboys, alongside Bill Pullman and Robert Duvall. Directed by Kenny Ortega, the movie combines energetic dance sequences with a compelling story of youthful rebellion and social justice. Although it did not receive major awards upon release, it has since gained a cult following. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Family, History, Music
Director: Kenny Ortega
Actors: Aaron Lohr, Ann-Margret, Bill Pullman, Christian Bale, David Moscow, Gabriel Damon, Luke Edwards, Marty Belafsky, Max Casella, Robert Duvall
Country: United States of America
Company: Touchwood Pacific Partners 1, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $2,819,485