Nightmare on Elmo’s Street
In a world where puppets coexist harmoniously with humans, a sudden shift occurs as their actions turn sinister. Is this wave of crime an isolated incident, or is the media exaggerating the situation, painting law enforcement as ruthless vigilantes and sowing seeds of distrust among citizens, especially towards puppets? Is this the onset of an apocalypse, or merely a sensational tactic by news outlets to boost their ratings and ad revenue? Hold on – that makes it sound like a serious metaphor. In reality, this film is packed with more unexpected twists than you can imagine, blending sophisticated and outrageous humor seamlessly.
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Director: Bill Zebub
Actors: Bill Zebub, David M. Sitbon, Eileen Bean, Erin Brown, Lydia Lael, Rachael Fox, Rachel Crow, Sarah Hunt, Scarlett Storm, Vanna Blondelle
Country: United States of America
Company: Bill Zebub Productions