In this 2009 musical drama, director Rob Marshall brings to life the story of Guido Contini, a renowned Italian film director who struggles to find harmony in his professional and personal life as he approaches his latest film project. The film features an ensemble cast of stars, including Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penélope Cruz, and Nicole Kidman, who portray the various women in Guido’s life, each influencing his journey in different ways. The movie is a visual and musical spectacle, exploring themes of creativity, love, and self-discovery. Although it did not win any major awards, it was nominated for several, including four Academy Awards. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Music, Musical, Romance
Director: Rob Marshall
Actors: Daniel Day-Lewis, Enzo Cilenti, Fergie, Judi Dench, Kate Hudson, Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Penélope Cruz, Ricky Tognazzi, Sophia Loren
Country: Italy, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Marc Platt Productions, Relativity Media, The Weinstein Company
Worldwide Gross: $54,004,950