Set in mid-1990s Australia, this film delves into the life of a troubled young man living with his parents, exploring the events leading up to a tragic incident. Directed by Justin Kurzel, the movie features standout performances from stars such as Caleb Landry Jones, who brings depth to the complex protagonist. The film has been recognized for its compelling storytelling and has garnered critical acclaim, including a Best Actor award for Jones at the Cannes Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Justin Kurzel
Actors: Annabel Marshall-Roth, Anthony LaPaglia, Caleb Landry Jones, Essie Davis, Ethan Cook, Judy Davis, Lucy-Rose Leonard, Phoebe Taylor, Rick James, Sean Keenan
Country: Australia
Company: GoodThing Productions, Melbourne International Film Festival
Worldwide Gross: $418,828