No Exit
In this tense thriller directed by Damien Power, a young woman named Darby Thorne, played by Havana Rose Liu, finds herself trapped in a remote rest stop during a blizzard. As she waits out the storm with a group of strangers, she discovers a kidnapped girl hidden in one of the vehicles, setting off a suspenseful race against time to identify the abductor. The film’s claustrophobic setting and intense atmosphere keep viewers on edge as secrets unravel and trust is tested. While the movie has not received any major awards, it offers a gripping narrative that can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Damien Power
Actors: Benedict Wall, Dale Dickey, Danny Ramirez, David Rysdahl, Dennis Haysbert, Havana Rose Liu, James Gaylyn, Kirsty Hamilton, Lisa Zhang, Mila Harris, Nick Davies
Country: United States of America
Company: 20th Century Studios, Flitcraft