In this 2005 Japanese horror film, a documentary filmmaker investigates a series of mysterious events and disappearances, uncovering a chilling connection to an ancient curse. The narrative unfolds through a found footage style, blending interviews, news reports, and eerie recordings to create an unsettling atmosphere. Directed by Koji Shiraishi, the film is noted for its intricate storytelling and has gained a cult following for its unique approach to the horror genre. While it did not receive major awards, its innovative style and suspenseful execution have been praised by horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Koji Shiraishi
Actors: Hisashi Miyajima, Jin Muraki, Marika Matsumoto, Rio Kanno, Satoru Jitsunashi, Shûta Kambayashi, Takashi Kakizawa, Tomono Kuga, Yôko Chôsokabe, Yoshiki Tano
Country: Japan
Company: Entertainment Farm (EF), Geneon Entertainment, Xanadeux
Worldwide Gross: $6,819