Norwegian Wood
Set in the tumultuous 1960s, this film follows the emotional journey of Toru Watanabe, a college student in Tokyo, as he navigates love, loss, and the complexities of adulthood. The narrative is deeply intertwined with themes of memory and longing, as Toru becomes involved with two very different women: the introspective Naoko and the vivacious Midori. Directed by Anh Hung Tran, the film is an adaptation of Haruki Murakami’s acclaimed novel, capturing the essence of youthful melancholy and existential reflection. Notably, the film features a haunting score by Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Anh Hung Tran
Actors: Eriko Hatsune, Kengo Kora, Kenichi Matsuyama, Kiko Mizuhara, Reika Kirishima, Rinko Kikuchi, Shigesato Itoi, Takao Handa, Tetsuji Tamayama, Tokio Emoto
Country: Japan
Company: Asmik Ace Entertainment, dentsu, Fuji Television Network, Fuji Television Network (Fuji TV)
Worldwide Gross: $19,144,719