Nose to Tail
“Nose to Tail” features Aaron Abrams, known for his roles in “Hannibal” and “Blindspot,” as a gifted yet difficult chef grappling with his inner struggles and the constant demands of managing an upscale eatery. Throughout a chaotic 24-hour period, he confronts a series of personal and professional challenges in a desperate attempt to overcome adversity and preserve the restaurant that is central to his sense of self and identity.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama
Director: Jesse Zigelstein
Actors: Aaron Abrams, Carolina Bartczak, Cody Black, Ennis Esmer, Genevieve Kang, Jason Diaz, Lara Jean Chorostecki, Lauren Collins, Robert B. Kennedy, Salvatore Antonio
Country: Canada
Company: Monolith Pictures, Motion Offense Productions