Set in a modern high school, this film is a contemporary adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Othello,” exploring themes of jealousy, betrayal, and manipulation. The story follows Odin James, a star basketball player, whose life spirals out of control due to the machinations of his envious friend, Hugo. The film features standout performances by Mekhi Phifer, Julia Stiles, and Josh Hartnett. Directed by Tim Blake Nelson, it offers a gripping narrative that resonates with the timeless nature of its source material. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Tim Blake Nelson
Actors: Andrew Keegan, Anthony Johnson, Chris Freihofer, Elden Henson, John Heard, Josh Hartnett, Julia Stiles, Martin Sheen, Mekhi Phifer, Rain Phoenix
Country: United States of America
Company: Chickie the Cop, Daniel Fried Productions, Dimension Films
Worldwide Gross: $19,260,537