Old Henry
Set in the early 20th century, this gripping Western drama follows a reclusive farmer who stumbles upon a wounded man and a bag of cash, leading to a tense standoff with a group of men claiming to be lawmen. As the story unfolds, the farmer’s mysterious past comes to light, challenging his resolve and moral compass. Tim Blake Nelson delivers a compelling performance in the lead role, supported by a strong cast. Directed by Potsy Ponciroli, the film has been praised for its tight storytelling and atmospheric cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 13
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Western
Director: Potsy Ponciroli
Actors: Brad Carter, Gavin Lewis, Kent Shelton, Max Arciniega, Richard Speight Jr., Scott Haze, Stephen Dorff, Tim Blake Nelson, Trace Adkins
Country: United States of America
Company: Hideout Pictures, Shout! Factory, Shout! Studios
Worldwide Gross: $77,463