Omen IV: The Awakening
In this chilling continuation of the horror saga, a young girl named Delia is adopted by a couple, only for them to discover that she harbors a dark and sinister secret. As mysterious and terrifying events unfold, the family is drawn into a web of evil that threatens to consume them. Directed by Dominique Othenin-Girard, the film explores themes of prophecy and destiny with a suspenseful narrative. Notable performances include Faye Grant and Michael Woods, who bring depth to their roles as the unsuspecting parents. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller, TV Movie
Director: Dominique Othenin-Girard, Jorge Montesi
Actors: Ann Hearn, Asia Vieira, Don S. Davis, Faye Grant, Jim Byrnes, Joy Coghill, Madison Mason, Megan Leitch, Michael Lerner, Michael Woods
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: FNM Films, Harvey Bernhard Productions, Mace Neufeld Productions