On Fire
Based on real and intense events, “On Fire” follows the journey of an average man whose life is abruptly shattered when fierce wildfires engulf the nearby landscape. As time slips away, he must escape with his son, played by Asher Angel, and his pregnant wife to stand a chance against the swift and destructive power of nature.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Nick Lyon, Peter Facinelli
Actors: Ammie Masterson, Asher Angel, Ashlei Foushee, Cole Springer, Dana Wing Lau, Fiona Dourif, Glenn Morshower, Lance Henriksen, Michael Vincent Berry, Peter Facinelli
Country: United States of America
Company: Lone Star Storytellers, Media Group, SC Films International
Worldwide Gross: $245,325