On Tender Hooks
Kate Shenton, an accomplished short filmmaker, makes her feature film debut with “On Tender Hooks,” a documentary that explores the intriguing world of human suspension and its practitioners. Over the course of a year, Kate follows various individuals and groups who engage in this practice. Every Sunday, they pierce their skin with hooks and suspend themselves in the air, challenging even the most resilient viewers’ perceptions and tolerance. This observational documentary captures how ordinary bodies can perform extraordinary feats. Starting with groups in London and then moving to events in Rico, Croatia, and Oslo, Norway, the film presents a diverse range of experiences and perspectives, offering a thoughtful exploration of a largely misunderstood activity. “On Tender Hooks” is a self-funded project, filmed and edited by director Kate Shenton, and completed in 2012, exemplifying the essence of independent filmmaking.
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Genre: Documentary
Director: Kate Shenton
Actors: Ana Laco, Charlyne Chiappone, Damien Lloyd-Davies, Håvve Fjell, Kate Shenton, Tam Smith
Country: United Kingdom