One in the Gun
A tantalizing and intellectually stimulating thriller that pays homage to classic film noir while incorporating a modern twist reminiscent of David Lynch’s surreal and unexpected style. The story follows Mickey Lewis, a homeless artist, who encounters Katrina, the alluring and affluent wife of Arthur Webb. Hired to paint their home, Mickey becomes entangled in a web of lethal desires. As concealed motives, perilous seductions, and multiple betrayals ensue, Mickey’s life spirals into chaos, leading him to a remote motel inhabited by peculiar individuals and dark secrets. These elements hold the key to unraveling the enigma of Mickey’s past, present, and future. The catalyst for it all is – ONE IN THE GUN.
Genre: Thriller
Director: Rolfe Kanefsky
Actors: Chriss Anglin, Esther Goodstein, James Russo, Katherine Randolph, Kristina Coolish, Robert Davi, Robert Donavan, Stephen W. Williams, Steven Bauer, Steven Man
Country: United States of America
Company: Manmade Entertainment Productions