One Night the Moon
Set in the Australian outback during the 1930s, this film tells the poignant story of a family’s desperate search for their missing daughter. The narrative unfolds through a unique musical format, featuring the talents of singer Paul Kelly and actor Kaarin Fairfax. Directed by Rachel Perkins, the film explores themes of racial tension and cultural differences, as the family reluctantly enlists the help of an Indigenous tracker. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 1
Genre: Drama, Music, Musical, Mystery
Director: Rachel Perkins
Actors: Beck Cole, Chris Haywood, David Field, Debra McKenzie, Kaarin Fairfax, Karina Turner, Kelton Pell, Memphis Kelly, Paul Kelly, Ruby Hunter
Country: Australia
Company: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), MusicArtsDance Films, New South Wales Film & Television Office