Opal Dream
In this heartwarming family drama directed by Peter Cattaneo, the story unfolds in a small Australian mining town where a young girl named Kellyanne Williamson, played by Sapphire Boyce, has two imaginary friends. Her brother, Ashmol, portrayed by Christian Byers, initially dismisses her fantasies but soon finds himself on a quest to prove their existence when the community’s skepticism threatens their family’s happiness. The film beautifully explores themes of belief, family, and the power of imagination. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a touching narrative and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Peter Cattaneo
Actors: Anna Linarello, Christian Byers, Denise Roberts, Jacqueline McKenzie, Peter Callan, Robert Morgan, Sapphire Blossom, Vince Colosimo
Country: Australia, United Kingdom
Company: Academy Features, BBC Film, BBC Films, Sherman Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $144,964