Operation Chromite
Set during the Korean War, this gripping film follows a covert operation led by General Douglas MacArthur, played by Liam Neeson, as he orchestrates a daring mission to turn the tide against North Korean forces. The narrative delves into the intricate planning and execution of the Incheon Landing, a pivotal moment in the conflict. Directed by John H. Lee, the movie combines intense action sequences with a focus on the human elements of war. While it didn’t receive major awards, it stands out for its historical significance and compelling performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Drama, History, War
Director: John H. Lee
Actors: Beom-su Lee, Jeong Jun-ho, Jin Se-yeon, Jon Gries, Jun-ho Jeong, Jung Joon-ho, Kim Seon-a, Kim Sun-a, Kim Yeong-ae, Kim Young-ae, Lee Beom-soo, Lee Beom-su, Lee Jung-jae, Liam Neeson, Park Sung-woong, Yeong-ae Kim, Yoshihiro Akiyama
Country: South Korea
Company: Celltrion Entertainment, CJ Entertainment, Industrial Bank of Korea, Taewon Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $2,749,918