Operation Mekong
In this intense action thriller directed by Dante Lam, the story unfolds around a high-stakes mission to uncover the truth behind a drug trafficking operation in the Golden Triangle. Inspired by real events, the film follows a determined Chinese task force as they navigate treacherous terrain and face dangerous adversaries. The movie features standout performances from stars such as Zhang Hanyu and Eddie Peng, who bring depth to their roles as law enforcement officers. While the film did not receive major awards, it is noted for its gripping action sequences and realistic portrayal of international crime. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, War
Director: Dante Lam
Actors: Eddie Peng, Jonathan Wu, Joyce Feng, Liu Xianda, Shi Zhanjie, Sun Chun, Wu Xudong, Zhan Liguo, Zhang Hanyu, Zhao Jian
Company: Bona Entertainment, Bona Film Group, Huaxia Film Distribution
Worldwide Gross: $173,839,072