Our Sunhi
In this South Korean film, directed by Hong Sang-soo, the story follows Sunhi, a young woman who returns to her alma mater to seek a recommendation letter from her former professor. As she navigates her interactions with three different men from her past, the film explores themes of love, ambition, and self-discovery. The narrative unfolds with Hong’s signature style of long takes and conversational dialogue, offering a contemplative look at relationships and personal growth. The film stars Jung Yu-mi, Lee Sun-kyun, and Jung Jae-young, who deliver nuanced performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Hong Sang-soo
Actors: Han Ja-i, Han Jae-i, Han Jae-yi, Jung Jae-young, Jung Yu-mi, Kim Sang-joong, Lee Min-woo, Lee Sun-kyun, Park Joo-hee, Ye Ji Won
Country: South Korea
Company: Jeonwonsa Film
Worldwide Gross: $278,535