Over Your Dead Body
In this chilling psychological horror film directed by Takashi Miike, the lines between reality and performance blur as a theater troupe rehearses a classic ghost story. The lead actors, played by Ko Shibasaki and Ebizō Ichikawa, find their personal lives eerily mirroring the tragic tale they are enacting on stage. As tensions rise, the haunting narrative begins to seep into their reality, leading to unsettling consequences. This film is a testament to Miike’s ability to weave intricate narratives that challenge the boundaries of genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Takashi Miike
Actors: Hideaki Ito, Hiroshi Katsuno, Hitomi Katayama, Ichikawa Ebizo XI, Ikko Furuya, Kenichi Hagiwara, Ko Shibasaki, Maiko, Miho Nakanishi, Toshie Negishi
Company: Celluloid Dreams, dentsu, Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs, Kinoshita Group
Worldwide Gross: $1,164,010