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Set in the vibrant yet perilous streets of Harlem during the 1980s, this film follows the rise of a young man named Ace, played by Wood Harris, as he navigates the lucrative but dangerous world of drug dealing. With the support of his friends, Mitch (Mekhi Phifer) and Rico (Cam’ron), Ace quickly ascends the ranks, but the trio soon faces the harsh realities and moral dilemmas of their lifestyle. Directed by Charles Stone III, the movie offers a gritty portrayal of ambition and loyalty amidst the backdrop of the crack epidemic. Although it did not receive major awards, it has gained a cult following for its authentic depiction of the era. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 39
Director: Charles Stone III
Actors: Cam'ron, Chi McBride, Cynthia Martells, Elise Neal, Esai Morales, Kevin Carroll, Mekhi Phifer, Regina Hall, Ron Cephas Jones, Wood Harris
Country: United States of America
Company: Dimension Films, Loud Films, RAT Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $3,116,526