Set against the backdrop of Siena, Italy, this documentary delves into the thrilling and ancient horse race that has captivated audiences for centuries. The film offers an intimate look at the lives of jockeys and the intense rivalries that fuel this high-stakes competition. Directed by Cosima Spender, it captures the passion and tradition that define this unique cultural event. While the film has not garnered major awards, its vivid portrayal of the Palio provides a fascinating insight into a world where honor and strategy collide. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Documentary, Drama, Sport
Director: Cosima Spender
Actors: Andrea de Gortes, Giovanni Atzeni, Luigi Bruschelli, Silvano Vigni
Country: United Kingdom
Company: MeMo Films, Palio Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $90,441