Paradies: Liebe
In this thought-provoking film directed by Ulrich Seidl, the narrative follows Teresa, a 50-year-old Austrian woman, as she embarks on a journey to Kenya in search of love and affection. The film delves into the complex dynamics of sex tourism, exploring themes of power, exploitation, and the human desire for connection. With a raw and unflinching approach, the movie offers a candid look at the intersection of personal longing and cultural disparity. The film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama
Director: Ulrich Seidl
Actors: Anderson Mutisya, Carlos Mkutano, Dunja Sowinetz, Gabriel Mwarua, Helen Brugat, Inge Maux, Josphat Hamisi, Margarethe Tiesel, Maria Hofstätter, Peter Kazungu
Country: Austria, France, Germany
Company: Coproduction Office, Tatfilm, Ulrich Seidl Film Produktion GmbH
Worldwide Gross: $1,709,036