Set in 1918, this film delves into the life of a young woman named Pearl, who is trapped on her family’s isolated farm and yearns for a more glamorous life. As she struggles with her oppressive environment and her own dark desires, the story explores themes of ambition and the pursuit of dreams. Mia Goth delivers a compelling performance in the lead role, capturing the complexity of Pearl’s character. Directed by Ti West, the movie is a prequel to his earlier work, “X,” and showcases his distinctive style. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 24
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller, Top 100 Popular Movies
Director: Ti West
Actors: Alistair Sewell, Amelia Reid, David Corenswet, Emma Jenkins-Purro, Gabe McDonnell, Lauren Stewart, Matthew Sunderland, Mia Goth, Tandi Wright, Todd Rippon
Country: Canada, New Zealand, United States of America
Company: A24, Bron Creative, Imagezone, Little Lamb
Worldwide Gross: $9,847,490